We meet every Monday (term-time) from 10-11:30am at the Salvation Army Hall, Cobbold Road, Felixstowe.
The cost is 75p per child or a £1 for a family, this includes a drink and a biscuit for you and your children served between 10-11am. 50p is charge for each additional adult.
We have 2 rooms – the hall and a quieter room. Each week we have an organised activity or craft which may be messy. In the summer we have water play. At 11am everyone joins in with action songs and rhymes.
Please park prams in the Worship Hall remembering to keep your valuables with you. If your baby is asleep you can leave your pram at the end of the Community Hall, when your baby wakes please move your pram into the corridor.
You remain responsible for your child while at Sally Wags.
Due to popularity we run a waiting list. If a friend wishes to come, please give your details as you come in and we will contact them when we have space.
Felixstowe International Friends is a conversation group for women who do not have English as their first language.
The group is run by volunteers who aim to make the lessons informative and enjoyable in a safe, relaxed and friendly setting where ladies can gain confidence and improve their spoken English and their understanding of the language.
The topics covered are very varied and all the activities are planned to meet individual needs and provide opportunities to work one-to-one with a volunteer as well as encouraging group participation and discussion.
The sessions take place during term time on Thursdays from 10:30 to 12:00 at the Salvation Army.
Please telephone the office for more information: 01394 276502
Do you want somewhere fun to go with your friends?
Do you love doing new things? Like making a mess but not allowed at home. Then come and see us.
Thursdays from 3.30 – 5.30pm for 5-11 years.
or e-mail fxsaexplorers@outlook.com